Real Estate Digital Marketing Ideas to Generate More Leads

Only 69% of sales agents have a website, the NAR’s 2021 report says. In this digital era, being online is key for real estate lead generation. It’s vital to tweak your website and content for local search terms. This helps attract people who could be your future clients nearby. By using the right keywords, writing about local topics, and getting local websites to link to yours, you can boost your online visibility.1

Writing a blog can make you the go-to expert in your area. Focus on creating value for both buyers and sellers. This not only brings in potential clients but also shows that you know your stuff. Plus, 41% of new home buyers start by looking online, NAR reports.1 Using digital marketing can help you connect with these buyers. It lets you become the trusted real estate pro in your local market.

Key Takeaways

Optimize Your Website for Local SEO

Want to attract local clients? Optimize your real estate site for local SEO.2 It helps you reach leads right in your area. This means showing up in searches for specific locations, drawing in clients looking for homes in those places.2 By using the best local SEO practices, real estate firms can beat their local competition online. This increases the chances of getting chosen by potential visitors over other options.2

Claim and Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile is key for local SEO success.2 Real estate companies should make their profiles shine. This way, they can stand out when people search locally for real estate help.2

Incorporate Location-Specific Keywords

Don’t forget to use location-specific keywords on your site.2 These keywords help your site show up in local search results. Also, sharing helpful local info through blog posts can make a big local SEO impact for real estate sites.2

Build Local Citations and Backlinks

Next, focus on building local citations and backlinks.2 Getting good backlinks by working with others or creating valuable content is great for your site’s local SEO.2 Keep your business’s name, address, and phone number info the same everywhere online. Doing this, along with checking what your competitors are doing, can show you how to get even better local search results.2

Create a Compelling Real Estate Blog

Starting a real estate blog makes you an expert in the eyes of your local community.3 Write posts that answer common questions from buyers and sellers. This helps attract new clients and shows your knowledge.3 Focus on your local area and give practical advice to readers.

Research and Target Relevant Keywords

Doing keyword research helps your blog get seen more online.3 Find out what people are searching for and use those words in your posts. This boosts your blog’s search rankings and helps people find it easier.

Publish Informative and Engaging Content

After choosing the right keywords, it’s time to write your blog.3 Offer useful info that your audience cares about. This might be updates on the market, tips for buying and selling, or guides to local areas.

Make your posts easy to read and full of advice. Also, sharing personal stories can make your blog stand out. Try to make everything you post interesting and helpful.

Promote Your Blog Posts on Social Media

Sharing your blog posts on social media is a great way to get more readers.3 Use platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to connect with people. They let you share your work and bring visitors to your site.3 Creating visuals like videos or infographics can also make your posts more appealing. This way, more people will want to see what you’re talking about.

Leverage Real Estate Digital Advertising

To attract buyers and investors, real estate pros should use many digital ads.4 Google PPC ads work well for this. They keep you visible in searches. This helps you draw in people to your website with ads about what they’re looking for.4 Make sure to watch your ads closely and change them often to get the best results.

Run Targeted Google AdWords Campaigns

Google Ads is a top tool for real estate pros. It lets you make ads that really speak to your audience.4 Using the right keywords means your ads can grab buyers’ and tenants’ attention. This leads them to check out your website or your listings.

Utilize Social Media Advertising Platforms

Don’t forget about social media for ads. Platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn are great for reaching people.4 Boosting posts and running paid campaigns let you target who sees your ads. This makes your content more visible, catching the eyes of possible buyers or investors.

Using a smart mix of real estate ppc advertising, real estate google ads, and real estate social media advertising really pays off.4 It lets you connect with your exact audience better. This could bring in more good leads and lead to more successful deals.

real estate digital marketing ideas

Nowadays, real estate pros can use many tools to market properties. They can easily reach out to buyers and sellers. Virtual property tours and interactive tools stand out as key digital marketing ideas.1

Offer Virtual Property Tours and Walkthroughs

Virtual open houses and tours are gaining popularity. They let buyers see homes from anywhere. You can use Zoom, Facebook Live, or videos to show off your listings. This way, you reach more people and engage with clients better. Don’t forget to share these events on social media and through emails to get more viewers.1

Create Interactive Calculators and Tools

Adding tools like mortgage calculators or property value assessors to your site can help a lot. They allow buyers and sellers to make smarter decisions. These features also make you a go-to expert in your local market.1

Using these strategies can really boost how you sell properties. They let you connect with a bigger audience. Plus, they help you look like a pro in your market.15

Implement Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing helps you keep in touch with real estate leads and past clients.6 It involves sending emails that offer market updates and property suggestions.6 This helps you become a trusted source.6 Make sure to group your subscribers by their needs to send them only relevant content.6 To spice it up, think about adding videos to your emails.7

Build and Segment Your Email List

Having a good email list is crucial for your marketing success.6 Attract people to join your list by offering something valuable on your website.6 For example, Grid Real Estate named their list “Grid Bits” and made signing up easy.6 Halton Pardee’s simple sign-up form was also a hit with their followers.6 Organize your list by categories such as what they’re looking to buy or sell, their budget, and where they want to live.6 This way, you can send targeted emails that speak to each person directly.6

Craft Engaging and Valuable Email Content

Creating interesting content for your emails is key.7 Aim to inform and help your readers with their real estate needs, like neighborhood facts and buying/selling advice.7 Sharing what others say about your work adds trust.7 Keep your email subjects short and sweet, under 41 characters, for the best chance they’ll get opened.6

Automate Drip Campaigns for Lead Nurturing

Using an email automation system can make your job easier and more consistent.7 Drip campaigns are a series of emails tailored to gently guide new subscribers through the buying or selling process.7 They help keep you engaged with potential clients until they’re ready to make a move.7 Make good use of automation tools to handle the bulk of your email work, giving you time for other important tasks.7 But, don’t forget to keep it personal so that people feel like you’re talking just to them.7

Establish a Strong Social Media Presence

It’s crucial to have a strong presence on social media. This keeps you in the minds of possible clients. Plus, it makes you a key source in your market.

There are over 4.88 billion social media profiles worldwide. The average user spends nearly 2.5 hours a day on more than six platforms. So, reaching this big audience can boost your real estate marketing.8

Focus on posting content that people will like. Talk to your followers and join important discussions. This helps you build connections and get potential customers interested.9 Be genuine and share both professional and personal stories. This makes your brand feel more real. Remember, the way you are attracts who you get.9

Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach more people. Facebook has over 2.9 billion active users a month. Instagram, with 2 billion monthly users, is popular among 18 to 34-year-olds. Also, LinkedIn and YouTube are great for showing your skills.8 LinkedIn has 1 billion users, and 30% of American adults use it. YouTube reaches almost 2.5 billion people each month.8

Keep creating and sharing real estate content on social media. Engage with your followers, and use the power of these platforms. By doing this, you’ll become a respected figure in your area. You’ll also attract leads.9 A successful strategy includes both professional and personal posts. Also, use tools to help manage your marketing better.9

Explore Real Estate Video Marketing

Real estate video content is a powerful tool. It grabs the attention of potential clients. It shows off your personality, skills, and knowledge of the local market.

Create a variety of videos. This includes listing videos, tours of neighborhoods, educational content, and personal brand videos. This mix will pull in your target audience.10 You can post these videos on your website, social media, and YouTube. Doing so will help you reach more people and generate leads.

Create Property Listing Videos

Highlight your listings with visually stunning tours. These videos make potential buyers imagine themselves in the home.1011 Use soft music, clear voiceovers, and aerial shots. They make your videos visually appealing.10

Produce Educational and How-To Videos

Show you’re an expert by making videos that answer common real estate questions.1011 Cover topics like the latest market news, tips for first-timers, or how to buy/sell homes.12

Share Client Testimonial Videos

Use social proof with videos of happy client testimonials.1011 These videos increase trust, show what you can do, and boost confidence in potential clients.12

Implement Chatbots and Live Chat

Real estate chatbots are a smart way to connect with people visiting your site. They answer common questions and follow up on leads all day and night.13 You can set them up to match your brand, give quick responses, and add contacts to your CRM.

Provide 24/7 Support and Lead Capture

Chatbots in real estate help right away, even late at night. They sort leads by what people need, like finding a home or an office space, which makes leads better.13 These bots can even send a quick message to keep customers engaged, making it easier for them to show up for appointments.13

Automate Frequently Asked Questions

Real estate chatbots learn what people like and need in a property. They use this to suggest places that fit. If you connect them to a CRM, they save this info and more about the guests.13 They also speak different languages, making everyone feel at home during conversations.13

Real estate chatbots connect to many tools and work with different languages. They’re part of some big chatbot networks. For example, ChatBot AI Assist does a lot, like helping rent properties out and making customer lists.13 There are other good platforms too, such as Tars, Collect.chat, Landbot, and ManyChat. They come with templates for conversations, work with CRMs, and are easy to set up.13 Also, Drift helps by letting businesses talk to people right away via chat or chatbot.13

Right now, very few chatbots are in real estate in Brazil, only 1%. But, these bots can do a lot to help, and their use is growing fast in finance and banking.14 By 2030, chatbots there are expected to help 10 times more, with over 25% growth every year. For those in real estate who use chatbots, this could mean getting lots more leads and making customers very happy. It might even boost profits by over 1000%.14

For a chatbot platform, check out Tidio, MobileMonkey, ChatBot, and Tars. People really like them on G2. Prices start at $50 a month, but custom plans can be made for bigger companies.14

Partner with Local Businesses and Influencers

Consider teaming up with local businesses and influencers to boost your real estate marketing. You can reach more people by working together. This way, you tap into new groups and potential clients.1 You should also make content together, like blog posts, videos, or social media. It helps show that you know your stuff and make your brand more trustworthy.15

Cross-Promote on Each Other’s Platforms

Try reaching out to businesses that aren’t direct competitors. This could be mortgage lenders, home stagers, or interior designers. Work together to create and share content. You can even plan special offers or events together. It’s a great way to reach more people and get more business leads.15 This partnership can work really well on social media. You can easily share each other’s posts and promotions on places like Facebook and Instagram.1

Collaborate on Co-Branded Content

Working with local influencers or experts can be a big win. You can make things like webinars, podcasts, or informative blog posts that people will love. This content shows off your expertise and introduces you to a wider audience.16 Using their reputation can help get your name out there more. It makes you a top choice for anyone looking for real estate in your area.1


How can I optimize my real estate website for local SEO?

First, claim and optimize your Google Business Profile. Next, use keywords related to your location.

Also, get your site mentioned on other local sites and get backlinks from them.

What are some effective real estate blogging strategies?

Start with finding important keywords for your area. Then, write interesting and helpful blog posts.

Don’t forget to share your articles on social media.

How can I leverage real estate digital advertising?

To use digital ads, think about where your audience is. Target them with Google AdWords and ads on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.

What are some innovative real estate digital marketing ideas?

Try new things like virtual home tours and interactive tools on your website.

Adding chatbots and live chat can also improve user experience.

How can I build an effective real estate email marketing strategy?

Start by growing your email list. Then, send out emails that people will find interesting and useful.

Use automation to keep in touch with your leads regularly.

What are the best practices for establishing a strong real estate social media presence?

Regularly post content that’s interesting. Talk to your followers and take part in conversations to make connections and find potential clients.

How can I leverage real estate video marketing?

Make videos of your properties, how-tos related to buying or selling homes, and what your clients say about you.

Share them on your site and across social media and YouTube.

How can chatbots and live chat benefit my real estate business?

These tools can help you serve customers any time. They can answer common questions without you being there.

This makes your customer service better.

How can I partner with local businesses and influencers to expand my real estate reach?

Work together with other businesses and people your community looks up to. Share your audiences, and create content together.

This will introduce you to new potential clients and boost your reputation locally.

Source Links

  1. https://www.pipedrive.com/en/blog/real-estate-marketing-ideas
  2. https://www.localfalcon.com/blog/local-seo-tips-for-real-estate-industry-businesses
  3. https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2015/04/16/real-estate-marketing
  4. https://propellant.media/digital-marketing-strategies-for-real-estate-developers/
  5. https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/real-estate-marketing
  6. https://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/guides/the-realtors-guide-to-email-marketing/
  7. https://mailchimp.com/resources/real-estate-email-marketing/
  8. https://www.luxurypresence.com/blogs/real-estate-social-media-marketing/
  9. https://theclose.com/real-estate-social-media-marketing/
  10. https://bigvu.tv/blog/7-video-marketing-ideas-for-real-estate-agents
  11. https://www.wisestamp.com/blog/real-estate-video-marketing/
  12. https://agentfire.com/32-attention-grabbing-real-estate-video-ideas/
  13. https://www.chatbot.com/blog/real-estate-chatbot/
  14. https://www.tidio.com/blog/real-estate-chatbots/
  15. https://www.luxurypresence.com/blogs/real-estate-marketing-ideas/
  16. https://theclose.com/real-estate-marketing-ideas/
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