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Content Repurposing: Extending Your Content’s Lifespan

Did you know the average online content lasts only three days?1 But, you can make your content live longer. How? Through content repurposing. It’s about turning old content into new, fresh messages. By doing this, you can reach more people. We live in a world full of content. Articles, blog posts, and videos fly by…


Harnessing User-Generated Content for Brand Growth

Did you know that user-generated content (UGC) can save brands money on marketing? Consumers trust their peers’ content more than ads.1 Today, social media platforms are full of UGC. Brands can use their customers’ authentic voices to grow, build trust, and engage more. User-generated content includes videos, photos, product reviews, and testimonials. From how-to videos…

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Interactive Content Marketing: A Game-Changer Strategy in 2024

Imagine a world where marketing is not just about watching. It’s about being part of the show. This is what interactive content marketing does. It makes your audience join in, not just watch. It’s the big new thing in 2024. The pandemic made people want more content, boosting its use by 207%. Now, 73% of…

AI-Driven Content Creation: Transforming the Content Landscape

AI-Driven Content Creation: Transforming the Content Landscape

In the digital age, where content is king, the quest for creating engaging, innovative, and relevant material has led to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in content generation. AI, with its capability to analyze data, understand patterns, and generate content, is revolutionizing the way we create and distribute information.

51 Most Frequently Asked Questions in Content Marketing Answered

51 Most Frequently Asked Questions in Content Marketing Answered

At its core, content marketing is about creating valuable, relevant content tailored to attract and retain a clearly defined audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action. But what exactly constitutes ‘valuable’ content? How does one identify their audience for content marketing? And, perhaps most importantly, how can content marketing strategies be optimized for maximum impact? These…