Digital Marketing Strategy for Banks: A Comprehensive Guide

Today, 81% of the U.S. population is active on social media.1 Also, 2.14 billion people use the internet.1 This means 80% of them research and buy things online.1 For this reason, it’s essential for banks to focus on digital marketing.

People are using digital and mobile banking more. This is causing physical banks in the USA to decrease. But, companies like Alibaba’s Ant Financial Services are growing fast. They now have over $100 billion in assets just 2 years after they started.1 So, having a solid digital marketing plan is a must for banks now.

Many banks don’t spend much on marketing, around 0.077% of their total revenue. This is much lower than other types of businesses, where the average is 13%.1 Still, the future looks bright. In the next 5 years, up to 40% of new bank revenue could come from digital sales. Banks in Western Europe are already seeing half of their new income from online sales. The USA is moving in the same direction.1

Banks need to act quickly to make the most of this digital trend. A strong digital marketing strategy can help them establish a powerful brand in a competitive market.

Key Takeaways

  • 81% of the U.S. population are active on social media, making it a critical platform for bank digital marketing.
  • Consumers are rapidly adopting digital and mobile banking, leading to the growth of digital-native financial institutions.
  • Banks traditionally spend very little on marketing, but digital sales could account for up to 40% of new bank revenue within 5 years.
  • Western European banks are leading the way in digital sales, while U.S. banks have a limited window to catch up.
  • Developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy is essential for banks to adapt and thrive in the evolving financial landscape.

Building a Digital Marketing Foundation

Today, we have so much data right at our fingertips. This data comes from our websites and marketing campaigns. It’s important to set success goals. This helps us track how well we’re doing and what changes we need to make. We look at two main types of data to see how our digital marketing is doing.

First, we look at leading indicators. These are things like how often our website shows up in Google searches. Or how many people come to our site and what they do there (like how long they stay). Next, there are KPIs, which are specific numbers that tell us about success. This could be the cost it takes us to get a new lead or customer.

Having clear goals and ways to measure success is key. It helps put our marketing money where it works best. This kind of strategy also shows how important marketing is to the business as a whole.

Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Your bank competes with a lot of other places for customers. That’s why it’s smart to focus on a special group that you can really help. By finding a specific group to target, your marketing is more likely to stand out. And you won’t have as many others doing the same thing as you2.

Defining the Target Audience

Start by looking at what your bank is all about. What are your goals and values? Knowing this helps with your marketing strategy. Then, look at all the ways you already reach out to people. This includes ads on billboards, the radio, and even social media2.

Taking Stock of Digital Assets

Remember your bank’s mission and values when setting up a digital marketing plan2. Get help with this from BankBound.

Executing Your Bank’s Digital Marketing Strategy

Necessity now bridges old ways of marketing and new digital paths to gain real results for banks2. Marketing, once just about creating brand awareness, now does much more. It adds value and brings in income for banks. This shift is due to how consumers, tech, and data analytics have evolved. Ads are becoming less influential as people trust online reviews and objective content. Thus, how people get to know about and choose financial products has changed, making digital content key.

Thanks to technology, banks can now automate marketing tasks and measure the ROI of their campaigns3. This lets them tailor their marketing efforts to different audiences with more speed and efficiency. Marketers have access to detailed customer and behavior data through analytics. This info is gold, guiding sales teams to turning opportunities into sales.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Banks

Digital marketing lets banks reach people all over the world.4 But, one challenge is targeting just the right people. Marketers use data analytics to measure and refine their campaigns. This makes it easier to connect with specific groups.45

Measurable Metrics and Analytics

Measuring marketing ROI is now easier than before. Thanks to digital tools, we can track almost every part of our campaigns.4 Plus, digital marketing is cost-effective and flexible. It allows banks to adjust their strategies quickly.4

Tracking Marketing ROI

With digital marketing, tracking ROI has become simple. There are many analytics available for this task.4

Cost-Effective Solutions

Digital marketing is affordable and effective. It’s easy to pause or extend campaigns when needed. This flexibility lets banks adjust their strategies as they go.4

Importance of Local Bank Branches

Digital banking tools are great, but 64 percent of customers still go to their local bank monthly.6 They go for community and personal service, things that online banking can’t fully replace. Local banks support the area’s economy and feel like part of the community. They’re more than just a bank; they’re like friends helping each other and local businesses.6

Community Presence

Local banks are part of the community they serve. They build trust by being there for people in physical locations.6 Being local helps them to understand and meet the area’s unique financial needs. This close-knit relationship is key to keeping customers for the long term.

Personal Empathy and Trust

Customers care about empathy; they want their bank to understand and support them. This is especially true during hard times.6 Seeing a friendly face can make a big difference. The personal connection offered by local banks is hard to beat, even by the most advanced digital features.

Strategies for Effective Bank Marketing

The best way to make your bank’s marketing work is by focusing on your clients’ needs.

This means teaching your staff to share all the info and education with customers. This helps build trust. Customers feel more sure about turning to you for financial advice. They’re also more likely to use your services and tell others about you.2

Educating and Informing Customers

Avoid focusing on just baby boomers or millennials. Target the locals instead.2 If your bank is close to schools, offer special loans for college students. Or, if it’s in the suburbs, have loans for new parents sending their kids to school. You could even help new families find homes nearby with good mortgage deals.2 No matter the bank’s size, reaching out to locals with services that fit their daily lives is key.

Targeting Local Audiences

Teaching and informing folks locally make them trust your bank more. It shows your bank is a helpful and trusted financial advisor in the area.2 Customizing services and marketing to the area’s unique needs set your bank apart. It helps you build strong ties with your customers.2

Integrating Digital Banking Services

Almost 85 percent of the U.S. population owns smartphones, and the same number uses social media.7 Long lines at banks are turning people away. It’s vital to offer digital banking services.7 Without these, you might lose valued customers. Most people are on social media, so you should be too.8

Ways to see if digital marketing is working include how often people find your website or maps on Google and how many people visit or how long they stay.2 Success metrics like the cost to get a lead or a customer show what’s working well.2 By setting goals and checking results, you can put money into what’s most effective.2

If you target a small, specific group with the right marketing, you might get more interest and less competition.2 It can be better to focus on serving a special group than trying to appeal to everyone.2 Keeping track of all your ads and messages helps you make them better. This way, you can reach your specific group online.2

More people are using mobile banking, up by 59% in recent years. This trend shows how important mobile marketing has become in banking.8 About 74% of banks use social media like Facebook and Twitter to connect with customers. This helps them be seen and trusted online.8 Since customers like useful content, banks are putting more money into it, with a 32% increase recently.8

SEO helps banks show up more in online searches. Nearly half of banks are working on this to get more customers.8 Working with tech companies is also becoming more common, with 62% of banks doing this. It helps them offer better digital services.8 Keeping customer data safe online is a top priority for 89% of banks. This shows how much they care about protecting customers.8

Personalized communication from banks has gone up by 75%. More customized interactions help keep customers happy and loyal.8 Using data and insights from digital channels is key. It lets banks make decisions based on what customers really want.8

Moving online was already in talks, but the pandemic made it urgent for survival.7 It brought a huge increase in the need for digital services in the financial sector.7 Investing in digital, especially mobile, can help a bank grow by serving more customers.7 Banks with easy-to-use digital services do better at keeping and getting customers.7

Connecting with Consumers

Your bank’s digital marketing strategy should do more than just offer information. It should help you build lasting relationships with your consumers. Using digital tools, you can craft unique customer journeys that cater to each person’s needs.

This tailored approach, including one-on-one support, is a major benefit of digital marketing for banks.1 It’s a chance to really engage with your customers and show that you care.

Creating Personalized Customer Journeys

Your bank can offer a personalized journey by using data and analytics. This means making every step of the customer’s experience just for them.1 It makes your bank stand out as it focuses on the specific desires and expectations of every client.

Establishing Individual Relationship Managers

Having someone dedicated to each customer’s needs is also crucial in digital marketing. This approach helps in creating deep trust and loyalty with individualized attention.1 Customers will feel special and appreciated when they have their own relationship manager to guide them.

Offering Value through Digital Marketing

Digital marketing for banks goes beyond ads. It focuses on customer service, like chatting online or through social media. It aims at making things easy for customers. This includes applying for services online or managing their accounts. A simplified, helpful online journey is its own best promotion.9 Everything about the online experience you offer counts as marketing. Even the best ads fall flat if your website isn’t phone-friendly. And if Facebook responses are slow, users will be turned off.

Providing Exceptional User Experience

9 A site that’s both professional and easy to use makes a bank look more trustworthy.9 Through omnichannel strategies, banks ensure a smooth experience across all devices. This way, customers can easily move through the bank’s digital world.

Offering Personalization and Ease of Use

9 Making digital banking personalized and easy to use is key. By using data, banks can suggest products that fit each customer perfectly. This kind of tailored approach improves customer service by a lot.9 Plus, digital marketing automation not only cuts costs but also makes things more effective. It speeds up marketing jobs, contributing to a better user experience overall.

digital marketing strategy for banks

Online banking lets banks collect more data than ever. They can use leveraging data and analytics to target specific groups. This helps in attracting new customers and upselling at any time.2 With all this big data, banks can get to know their customers better. They can market to them more effectively, sell more, and manage relationships better.

This new era of data also means knowing your customers very, very well. It means figuring out who they are and aiming your marketing efforts right at them. You also need to make content and offers that each group finds valuable.21

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Online banking is great for collecting tons of data. With the right approach to this data, banks can make offers that customers can’t resist. They can do this when they’re trying to bring in new customers or offering more to existing ones.2

Understanding Market Demographics

The big data breakthrough gives insight that can boost sales and better relationships. With it, banks can really get who their market is. This helps in tailoring marketing to hit the mark and creating content that speaks to each group.21

Segmenting and Targeting Efforts

This big data wonderland offers new ways to understand customers and sell more. It’s about getting your marketing to the right people with the right messages. Not to mention, making goodies that everyone will love.21

Automating Marketing Tasks

Digital marketing lets you use software to automatically handle marketing jobs. This includes things like setting the right ad prices or sending emails right after a user clicks a link. It also helps create personalized plans based on what users are interested in. Plus, you can test different ads to see which ones work best.1 This way, banks can save money, boost the quality of their ads, and use fewer marketing experts.1 This automation is crucial because it helps accomplish tasks quickly without losing accuracy. It means using facts and trends to build better ads and giving customers ads they care about.10 This makes it easier for banks to win over people, keep them interested, and keep them banking with them.10

When banks put marketing automation to work, they see many benefits. This includes being more effective, reaching customers on a personal level, taking care of new leads well, and keeping customers happy for the long term. It also means making decisions based on numbers and being ready for checks from regulators. There are also big earnings to gain, more rules followed, and the ability to grow without trouble or changes in message.10 Thanks to this, banks can spot good chances to sell better or more to their customers. This leads to more sales and better value over time from each customer.10 And, it helps banks follow the laws on how they talk to customers by double-checking and making sure their messages are legal.10

Marketing automation helps banks offer more personal and timely deals that meet each customer’s needs. This is what today’s banking customers expect.10 Technologies like AI and machine learning make it easier to use automation for amazing customer service in banking.10 It gives banks a way to grow and keep up with big groups of customers, all while saying the same message and sticking to their brand’s main idea.10

Benefits of Marketing Automation for Banks
  • Improved efficiency and reduced costs
  • Personalization at scale
  • Enhanced lead management
  • Improved customer engagement and retention
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Increased revenue generation
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Scalability and consistency

To sum up, marketing tasks are better done with automation in banks. Automation makes banks work faster but keep things personal and right for their customers. This leads to more success and money for the bank.11110

Diversifying Marketing Efforts

A bank’s digital marketing strategy should focus on mobile, social media, apps, and websites. Include various content for these different platforms as well.12 The goal is to reach customers wherever they are and make their experience seamless across devices.12

Omnichannel Approach

Embracing omnichannel means combining digital channels for a smooth customer journey.12 It involves making websites mobile-friendly and using social media like Facebook and Instagram.13

We also aim to create engaging mobile apps and different content types.13

Mobile, Social Media, Apps, and Content

For banks, diversifying digital marketing involves mobile, social media, apps, and content.14 With nearly all Americans owning a smartphone, it’s crucial.14

Use platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn for ads and content distribution.13 Adding branded apps and varied content types, including videos and podcasts, strengthens digital presence.1214

Channel Key Strategies
  • Responsive website design
  • Mobile banking app development
  • SMS/push notifications for updates
Social Media
  • Targeted ads on Facebook,13 Instagram,13 and LinkedIn13
  • Engaging content creation and distribution
  • Leveraging influencers and partnerships
  • Informative blog posts,12 videos,14 and podcasts14
  • Webinars and workshops on financial topics13
  • Leveraging SEO tools to identify relevant content12

Using these channels in a smart way can lead to a better experience for customers. It can also help build trust and grow your brand sustainably.

Bringing in Digital Marketing Expertise

If your marketing team struggles with a2 digital marketing strategy, it’s a hurdle. You need skills in SEO, PPC, digital content marketing, and social media to do well online4. Think about getting help from experts or a tech company. They can set up and manage digital marketing plans for banks2.

Partnering with Technical Service Providers

Teaming up with tech experts can give your bank a solid digital marketing plan. These experts know SEO, PPC, content marketing, managing social media, and email marketing well4. They bring their experience and skills to understand the digital world. You can see real progress with their help2.

Adding digital marketing know-how to your bank’s team can change the game. With a good partner, you can make the most of digital tools, reach your audience effectively, and boost interaction and sales4. This smart move can keep you in the lead and make your bank stand out as modern and tech-smart2.


Many banks are already equipped for digital marketing. They have the tech and data ready. But they lack the know-how to go digital, create a strong online plan, and run online ads.

This gap means they miss chances to reach new customers and strengthen bonds with current ones. The advice in this guide aims to help banks use their current tools for solid digital marketing strategies.315

Digital banking includes using platforms such as social media and SEO. It also means using personalized content and an omnichannel approach. This way, banks can keep up with customers’ growing digital needs.615

Giving clients great online experiences is key to keeping them. And a successful digital marketing operation can both attract new customers and build loyalty with current ones. It’s how banks can thrive in a tough market over time.6315


What are the key goals and KPIs for a digital marketing strategy for banks?

Website traffic and how people interact with the site are leading signs. You’d also look at how easily people can find your bank online. For goals, think about the cost of bringing in new customers, getting them to sign up, and luring them into a branch.

It’s all about setting goals and measuring how well you meet them. This way, you can put your money where it really counts.

How can banks define their target audience for digital marketing?

Instead of just aiming at the young or old, banks are finding local communities full of people who need personal financial help. This could be in the form of tailored advice and services.

What digital assets should banks take stock of for their marketing strategy?

Banks need to check up on their look, the stuff they use to market, and where they are online. This helps them see where they stand and what they can do better.

What are the key benefits of digital marketing for banks?

Going digital means banks can reach loads more people, keeps track of what works, and is easier on the pocket than old-school ways. Plus, it’s environmental friendly too!

Why are local bank branches still important for a digital marketing strategy?

Even with everything online, people still need that face-to-face connection. Local branches offer just that, helping to make lasting bonds.

How can banks effectively educate and inform their customers through digital marketing?

Banks can teach their staff to be real financial wizards. This builds trust, making folks more likely to turn to them for money help.

Why is it important for banks to integrate digital banking services?

Since almost everyone’s on their phones or social media, banks have to keep up. Not doing so could lose them to competitors who do digital well.

How can digital marketing help banks create personalized customer experiences?

Digital tools let banks tailor how they engage with every customer. They can assign managers, use customer’s data, and tweak their online places to feel more personal.

What role can data and analytics play in a bank’s digital marketing strategy?

Big data can give banks a peek into what people really want. With this info, they can make offers that are hard to refuse and tailor messages just right.

How can banks leverage automation in their digital marketing strategy?

By automating some marketing jobs, banks can save money and work smarter. Things like bidding on ads, sending emails, and testing what works best are a lot easier this way.

What key elements should a bank’s digital marketing strategy include?

A good plan should cover mobile, social media, making apps, improving the bank’s website, and creating engaging content for people to see. This way, the bank can be everywhere customers are, offering a personal touch.

When should banks consider bringing in digital marketing expertise?

When a bank’s in-house team lacks know-how in key digital areas, it might be wise to get outside help. Working with experts can help refine and grow online plans.

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