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Geofencing Marketing: The Future of Targeted Advertising

Today, over 4.5 billion people use smartphones. This is a huge number from a population of about 7.5 billion people.1 There are also 3.5 billion people using the internet on their mobiles. They are more than half of all internet users.1 With most of us now using our phones for the internet, the world of…

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Visual Search: The Next Big Thing in Digital Marketing

Imagine finding just what you need by taking a quick photo. Visual search makes this possible. It’s a new tech that’s about to change how we shop. A study found that 62% of young adults would buy more if they could use images to search.1 Visual search is getting better and easier to use. Google…

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Micro-Moments Marketing: Seize The Moment, Win Customers

Did you know that Statista gets over 31 million people visiting its site every month?1 In today’s world, people move from screen to screen fast, following their need to know, go, do, or buy. These quick moments are called micro-moments. They are golden chances for businesses to connect with people. Google defines micro-moments as pauses…

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Interactive Content Marketing: A Game-Changer Strategy in 2024

Imagine a world where marketing is not just about watching. It’s about being part of the show. This is what interactive content marketing does. It makes your audience join in, not just watch. It’s the big new thing in 2024. The pandemic made people want more content, boosting its use by 207%. Now, 73% of…


Best Emerging Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For

The digital marketing world is always changing. To stay ahead, businesses need to know what’s coming next. Look into the future of marketing with these key trends. Voice search is becoming big. More young people are using it every day. Also, lots of homes have devices like Alexa. This means voice search will have a…