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Social Commerce: Leveraging the Power of Social Media

Did you know 45% of online shoppers worldwide1 say social media affects what they buy? This shows how strong social commerce is. It mixes e-commerce with social media. Social commerce uses social media’s huge reach and interesting things for sale online. This lets companies reach a lot of customers and specially those buying through smartphones,…

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Augmented Reality Ads: A New Frontier in Marketing

Roughly 4.5 billion people worldwide use the internet, showing digital ads’ vast potential.1 Augmented reality (AR) is becoming more popular lately. It benefits the digital ad world significantly. With AR ads, marketers can connect with customers like never before using the latest tech. This makes ads more fun and interesting.1 Now, many businesses online and…

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Geofencing Marketing: The Future of Targeted Advertising

Today, over 4.5 billion people use smartphones. This is a huge number from a population of about 7.5 billion people.1 There are also 3.5 billion people using the internet on their mobiles. They are more than half of all internet users.1 With most of us now using our phones for the internet, the world of…

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Local SEO on WordPress: Boost Your Site’s Visibility

Are you finding it hard to get noticed online with your local business? What if you could make your WordPress site shine, getting more eyes and customers from your area? It’s all about making your WordPress website friendly to local searches. This is what we call local SEO. Local SEO focuses on helping local businesses…

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SEO Strategy for Ecommerce Websites to Boost Rankings & Online Sales

Did you know 70% of people look for new products online using Google?1 The online market is getting more crowded. So, it’s key to use e-commerce SEO to help your site shine. By making your site friendly to search engines, you bring in more visitors. This guide will show top tips in e-commerce SEO for…

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How to find Businesses That Need Digital Marketing

Are you finding it hard to stand out online? Maybe you’re a digital marketing agency wanting more clients. You might wonder: Which businesses really need digital marketing, and how do I find them? Studies show 70-80% of people look up a company online before visiting or buying from them.1 This makes a strong online presence…