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Social Commerce: Leveraging the Power of Social Media

Did you know 45% of online shoppers worldwide1 say social media affects what they buy? This shows how strong social commerce is. It mixes e-commerce with social media. Social commerce uses social media’s huge reach and interesting things for sale online. This lets companies reach a lot of customers and specially those buying through smartphones,…

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Content Repurposing: Extending Your Content’s Lifespan

Did you know the average online content lasts only three days?1 But, you can make your content live longer. How? Through content repurposing. It’s about turning old content into new, fresh messages. By doing this, you can reach more people. We live in a world full of content. Articles, blog posts, and videos fly by…

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Influencer Marketing ROI: How to Measure & Maximize Returns

Do you find it hard to show how influencer marketing benefits your company? In today’s digital world, knowing and improving the return on your influencer campaigns is key. This makes your investments more worthwhile. The world of influencer marketing is booming. By 2023, it’s estimated to hit $21.2 billion.1 Companies of all types and sizes…


Social Media Stories: Maximizing Engagement and Visibility

Now, over 10 different social media platforms have introduced stories that vanish after a while. This has changed how brands interact with people online. Thanks to stories, brands can now share interesting content that brings in more views and interactions. This improves the visibility and reach of their messages online.1 To make your stories stand…

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25+ Unique Digital Giveaway Ideas to Boost Engagement

Did you know, over 70% of consumers have tried online giveaways or contests in the last year?1 These digital events are now key for businesses. They help reach out to people, make brands known, and get real marketing wins. In this guide, we’ll show you over 25 fresh digital giveaway ideas. They’ll amp up your…

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Social Media Advertising: Top 5 Strategies to Boost Your Brand

Did you know that 25 percent of people respond to a social ad by visiting the store or website? Today, social media advertising is key for companies big and small. It helps reach more customers and lead them to your site. Last year, sales through social media hit $992 billion. This shows the huge impact…


HubSpot Social Media Marketing Course: Mastering Social Platforms

Ready to boost your social media skills and see better business results? The HubSpot social media marketing course is your next step. Today, social media is key in marketing, letting companies reach their audience like never before. With jobs in social media marketing growing by 10%, now is a great time to up your game….

A Beginner’s Guide to Influencer Marketing

A Beginner’s Guide to Influencer Marketing

The Growth of Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing has seen exponential growth in recent years. According to a report by Business Insider, the influencer marketing industry is expected to be worth $15 billion by 2022. This growth is attributed to the increasing use of social media platforms and the trust that influencers have built with their…