
Best Emerging Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For

The digital marketing world is always changing. To stay ahead, businesses need to know what’s coming next. Look into the future of marketing with these key trends.

Voice search is becoming big. More young people are using it every day. Also, lots of homes have devices like Alexa. This means voice search will have a big impact on how we buy things online.1 Marketers should get ready for this change by making sure their online content works well with voice search.

Influencer marketing is also on the up. Brands are working with micro-influencers who have small but dedicated followers. This trend is all about making real connections with customers.1 It’s a chance for businesses to engage with their audience in a more authentic way.

Personalization is key in digital marketing. Now, artificial intelligence (AI) is making it even better. With AI, marketers can tailor their messages and offers to each customer.1 This means better engagement and stronger customer connections. AI opens up a world of possibilities for tailoring marketing to the individual.

Key Takeaways

  • Voice search optimization is crucial as voice-enabled devices and voice search usage continue to rise.
  • Influencer marketing is evolving towards micro-influencers and authenticity to foster genuine connections with target audiences.
  • AI-powered personalization enhances engagement and customer relationships through tailored experiences and content.
  • Short-form video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels captivates audiences and presents new marketing opportunities.
  • Businesses must stay agile and leverage emerging technologies to adapt to the rapidly changing digital marketing landscape.

Explore these latest trends to see where your marketing can go. Think about using voice search, working with influencers, and personalized AI. Getting these strategies right can put your brand in front.

Embracing AI in Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the digital marketing game. Now, AI and search engine optimization are key. Marketers need to learn and use these new tools.2

AI and Search Engines

Google’s new “Search Generative Experience” (SGE) shows what AI search can do. It puts answers right at the top of search results. These answers come from the web and even show where they got the info.2 Sites that don’t show up in SGE results might not be seen as much. But their images can still be featured.2 To succeed, marketers should focus on AI search. They should also use a mix of content, like videos and pictures.2

AI for Personalized Marketing

AI-powered personalization helps make marketing messages super specific. Using what it knows about people, AI can recommend personalized stuff. This includes unique offers and content on different platforms.3 Making emails and products personal boosts how much people interact. It helps build strong relationships with customers over time.3

AI-Powered Chatbots

AI chatbots are everywhere now. 60% of internet users find quick answers through them.3 They improve customer service by offering fast, personal help. Chat Bot Optimization (CBO) is the new trend in making these bots even better for conversational marketing and customer service.3

The Rise of Metaverse Marketing

The metaverse is a blend of virtual, augmented, and AI elements. It lets brands make 3D worlds. These worlds are not only immersive but also interactive for users. This concept of ‘Metaverse’ became very popular in 2022. Now, more and more companies want to use it for their marketing activities. To succeed in metaverse marketing, it’s essential to create content that truly engages users. This means developing experiences that involve their senses and encourage them to interact.

Immersive Brand Experiences

In the metaverse, brands can offer unique, personalized experiences. This is powered by advanced data collection techniques.4 The metaverse market is set to grow to $670 billion by 2026. With this growth comes a new way for customers to shop online. This could rival the experience of shopping at physical stores.4 For success, marketers must create experiences that draw users in. They need to think about how to make interactions within the Metaverse truly immersive.

Metaverse Personalization

Thanks to AI, the metaverse offers highly personalized experiences. It’s also a rich source of data on user activities.4 By 2025, the global metaverse market should hit $1.35 billion.4 Marketers can use this data to offer experiences that fit each user specifically. The Metaverse isn’t just about creating cool 3D spaces. It’s about reaching out to users across the globe in a more personal way. It’s about using new tools to stand out from other marketers who aren’t in the Metaverse yet.

Voice Search Optimization

More and more people are using voice search every day. Over half of teenagers do it regularly, and one in five homes has a smart speaker like Alexa or Google Home.5 Experts believe that by 2022, half of online shopping will be done through voice.5 This change creates a huge opportunity for digital marketers, around $40 billion.5 To make the most of this, websites need to be ready for voice searches. This means using natural language, the right keywords, and being the featured answer for common questions.

Voice Search and SEO

The use of devices that understand spoken commands is growing fast. Smart speakers, in particular, have become very popular.6 This trend is pushing the need for websites to match voice search requirements. Marketers need to learn how people use voice devices and adjust their strategies.

Voice-Enabled Devices

Devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home are in many homes now. This fact alone is changing how people search, with more turning to voice searching.6 To rank well in these searches, websites must load fast and provide clear information.6 Thanks to artificial intelligence, voice recognition is becoming more accurate over time.6 As a result, these devices have a big impact on how we look for information. Understanding user metrics from voice searches helps in adjusting and improving strategies.6

Voice searches are different from typing. They’re more like talking, and often people look for local things.7 Since most voice searches happen on phones, your website must work well on mobiles.7 Adding special code to your content (schema markup) helps search engines get what your page is about. This makes you more likely to show up in voice results.7 Making an FAQ section that talks back to people can make your website more visible in voice searches.7 Creating audio content, like podcasts, is another way to go. This keeps users interested and is good for voice search.7 Using specific tools to analyze how you’re doing in voice searches is key. Different devices might show different results, so your strategy needs to reflect this.7 In short, clear and easy-to-understand content wins in voice search. Staying on top of the trends will keep you ahead in voice search rankings.7

Social Commerce and Influencer Marketing

Social commerce is growing fast. It combines shopping with social media. For example, on Instagram, you can buy things while watching live videos. This makes buying things easy and quick for people.8 In China, this is already a billion-dollar industry. But in other places, it’s just starting. This means there’s a big chance for brands to use this new way of selling.9

Social Media Selling

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are great for selling. They help brands talk to their customers in a fun and direct way.9 Experts think 64.6 million people will buy from Facebook in 2024.9 And 46.8 million will buy from Instagram in the same year. Social commerce has made shopping more fun and easy for people. It lets brands find new ways to sell and connect with their buyers.

Micro-Influencers and Authenticity

Influencer marketing is changing. Now, it’s all about being real and on point. Brands are teaming up with micro-influencers. That’s because they have a small but very interested following. This helps them build real trust with the people they talk to.10 Micro-influencers create honest and niche content. This gets people talking and buying. It works much better than big, less real influencer ads.9 About one third of young Gen Z’ers have bought something from an influencer-started brand recently. This shows the big influence micro-influencers have with young people.

As social commerce and micro-influence get more popular, being real with customers is key.10 Marketers are going to spend a lot – over $7 billion – on influencers in 2024.10 This shows just how important influencers are. They know how to talk to the people who want to buy from you. By using social commerce and micro-influencers, companies can make the most of the changing digital market.

Programmatic Advertising Trends

Programmatic advertising is the automated process of trading digital ads. It helps target customers more precisely and effectively.11 This AI-powered tool helps advertisers reach the right people. It boosts conversions and cuts the cost of getting new customers.11 With real-time bidding and automatic ad buying, marketers can make their campaigns better. It lets them get the most from their digital ads.

12 In the US alone, spending on programmatic display ads is expected to reach $148.8 billion by 2023. This will go up to $168 billion in 2024.12 In 2023, programmatic advertising will cover 91% of digital display ad spending. And, spending on digital out-of-home ads is set to soar by 57% from 2023 to 2028.13 By 2028, the programmatic advertising market could hit $28.12 billion. This would mean strong, steady growth.

12 Ad spending on connected TV (CTV) in the US rose by 25% in 2023. Sixty-one percent of ad buyers want to put more money into retail media networks in 2023.11 The money going into addressable TV ads has doubled over the last two years. And in 2024, 40% of advertisers are looking to spend more on addressable TV.11 Trade groups like Go Addressable have made it easier to buy spots in TV shows. They’ve helped increase TV ad minutes by 29% since 2022.11

11 Investing in programmatic digital out-of-home ads is expected to jump by 57% by 2028. It could reach $15.53 billion.11 Many marketers say that these ads provide a safe space for their brands. It shows that they value brand safety a lot.

13 Programmatic ads cause about 215,000 metric tons of carbon emissions each month in five big economies.13 Eighty-eight percent of marketers agree that AI personalizes the customer journey well.13 The growth of programmatic advertising is thanks to more people using smartphones. And, there are better communication networks. Plus, more money is going into digital ads in various sectors.

12 In 2021, programmatic ad spending in the US went up by 41%. But, this growth has slowed because of economic worries.12 Though, 75% of marketers still use third-party cookies. Ninety-seven percent of businesses that use customer data report good results for their sales and customer loyalty.12 Almost everyone plans to use video for marketing in 2023.

11 AI is set to bring about huge gains for the world economy, up to $4.4 trillion.11 The digital advertising sector might see a 5.7% boost in spending by 2024.11 In 2024, there could be a huge spending on political ads for the US presidential election—$15.9 billion.11 And, the global market for VR ads might hit $174 million in revenue in 2024.

emerging digital marketing trends

Personalized Marketing

Personalization is key in digital marketing today. It uses AI to understand what customers want. This leads to messages and experiences that are just right for them. Using data, marketers create offers and content that feel like they were made just for you. This includes tweaking emails, showing you special products you might like, and more. These special touches keep you interested and build lasting connections.


Data-Driven Decisions

Data guides many big decisions in digital marketing. It lets marketers really understand how people act, what works, and what doesn’t. They look at data from websites, social media, and more to learn. Then, they use this info to make smart choices. This makes their strategies work better and get better results.


Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing uses chatbots and messaging to improve how businesses interact with customers. Chatbots instantly answer questions and handle complaints. They also help in identifying potential customers. This boosts the experience for everyone. Companies keep an eye on feedback and how quickly they respond. This helps them make their services even better.

It makes every customer feel special by using info about what they like. Businesses use details about how people act and what they’ve liked before to connect. This way, they can suggest things and serve up experiences that fit each customer perfectly.14 This smart way to talk to customers makes relationships stronger. It also brings great results for the business.

Chatbots and Messaging Apps

14Messaging apps are now more popular than social media for talking with businesses. Using AI, companies can offer very personal experiences. This makes customers more loyal.

Personalized Customer Interactions

14OPMG is excellent at making AI feel more real. This leads to really good experiences for customers. Most people think using something like Siri helps them do more things at once. And, over half see chatbots that get to know you better as a positive step.

15 Many of us want to chat with machines in a more natural way. This shows a change in how people look for info and talk to brands. As technology keeps growing, so does the need for smooth, personal conversations. And people are excited to see where things like blockchain and 5G will take us.

Automated Email Marketing

Sending targeted emails based on preset triggers, automated email marketing is a powerful strategy. It uses customer data to create personalized campaigns that engage more recipients. In turn, this boosts conversions and loyalty.16 Marketers gather valuable data such as open rates and conversions. This helps them improve their strategies over time.17

Personalized Email Campaigns

Automated email marketing lets marketers analyze key metrics. They look at open and click-through rates to pinpoint areas for better results. With this data-driven approach, they refine their strategies to reach their audience more effectively.1617

Through this, businesses can see better outcomes from their email campaigns.

Email Marketing Analytics

On average, marketing emails are opened 17.8% of the time. Adding an emoji in the subject line can spike this by 56%.16 Personalized emails lead to a 6.2% increase in revenue. Including images raises the click-through rate by 1.12%. Videos in emails push this rate up by 300%. Behavioral-triggered emails are opened 152% more often than standard emails.

Metric Value
16The average open rate of a marketing email 17.8%
16Increase in open rate with an emoji in subject line 56%
17Increase in revenue with personalized email campaigns 6.2%
17Increase in click-through rate with graphics in emails 1.12%
17Increase in click-through rate with videos in emails 300%
17Increase in open rate for behavioral-triggered emails 152%

Influencer Marketing Metrics

Influencer marketing lets brands connect with their customers in a powerful way. It’s important to measure how well these marketing campaigns do. Marketers look at things like how much the audience engages, follower numbers, and actual sales made.10 This helps brands understand what works best. They can then plan better collaborations and improve their marketing strategies.

Measuring Influencer Engagement

Aside from measuring engagement, figuring out the ROI is key. This means understanding the overall impact of using influencers. Marketers check figures like direct sales, new leads, and how many new visitors come to a website.18 Showing how influencers impact sales directly lets brands know if their money is well-spent. It means they can plan smarter for the future.

Influencer ROI

By 2024, it’s estimated that more than $7 billion will be spent on influencer marketing.10 For every dollar spent then, brands might make about $5.78 in return.18 It looks like micro-influencers will be even better at engaging people than big influencers. This shows how important it is for brands to connect with their viewers in a real way.18 To deal with the issue of fake followers, brands are using better tools to track influencer fraud. This makes real audience interaction even more valuable.18

Influencer Type Engagement Rate Average Minimum Post Price
TikTok Mega-Influencers (>1M Followers) 329,382 views per post19 $1,200 per post19
TikTok Nano-Influencers (1-10K Followers) 15.2%19 N/A
YouTube Influencers (1,000-5,000 Followers) 1.9%19 N/A
YouTube Influencers (>1M Followers) 3.4%19 $2,500+ per video19

The table shows a glimpse of how influencers engage and what they charge on different platforms. This data is useful for marketers to pick the best influencers for their projects and negotiate a good deal.

Predictive Analytics in Digital Marketing

In digital marketing, predictive analytics is key. It lets marketers study customer data. They can then make smarter choices.20 Using these models, they spot trends and guess what customers will like. This helps them tweak their ads for better results.8 With more customer-focused ads, their campaigns get a boost. This leads to more clicks, sales, and loyalty from customers.8

Understanding Customer Behavior

Predictive analytics dives deep into customer actions. It helps marketers predict market shifts and future needs better.21 They pull info from social media and news to see what’s coming. This helps them change their plans if needed.21 Marketers also learn when and where to talk with the public. They find the best moments to reach out. This makes their messages hit home.

This also makes their ads perform better. They can guess which ads will do well. This is all thanks to predictive analytics.21 It helps them figure out the perfect timing and place for ads. This way, their ads reach the right people at the right time.21

Campaign Optimization

Predictive analytics don’t stop at ads. They keep helping marketers to do better at their jobs.21 By watching key numbers and looking at data, they figure out what could be better. Then, they make changes based on this info.8 This back-and-forth makes sure their efforts are paying off. It means they get more from what they put in.8

Looking at campaigns from all angles is possible with predictive analytics. This includes understanding what customers might do, how likely they are to buy, and if they’ll stay loyal.21 Plus, it’s great for ads. They can tell which ads have the best shot at doing well. All this is based on when they’re shown, where, and to whom.21

Mixing predictive analytics into marketing and PR strategies boosts both areas. They get to react quickly to what’s catching people’s eyes at the moment.21 Seeing how well campaigns do helps learn what works. This way, they can keep getting better and better.

Short-Form Video Content

Short-form video content, like TikTok videos and Instagram Reels, grabs people’s interest. It’s a big chance for brands to involve their audience.22 These videos’ viral and real stories let businesses show their products and share behind-the-scenes. They help reach out to followers in a way that feels real and interesting.22 By using these short videos, brands can make more people know about them, draw more visitors, and build better connections with who they want to reach.

TikTok and Reels Marketing

23 TheSoul Publishing saw a huge 275% more people watching their TikToks in early 2022 than last year. This shows TikTok is making a big impact.23 Videos in short forms catch on with people all around the world. They cover many different topics, like DIY and cooking, but also woodworking. This draws in big, varied audiences, letting brands connect in real and interesting ways.23

Video Content Optimization

Getting short videos just right is key to making them really hit well.24 According to the HubSpot State of Marketing Report, marketers are really putting effort into short-form videos and expect big growth in 2024.24 Good strategies include using the right keywords, picking thumbnails that catch the eye, and making use of popular hashtags. This can help your videos get seen by the right people.22 Also, it’s important to keep an eye on how your videos are doing. Tracking things like views and how much people interact with your videos can help you keep making them better.

Optimal Video Length Percentage of Marketers
1-3 minutes 36%
4-6 minutes 27%
7-9 minutes 15%

24 In 2024, 56% of those using TikTok plan to spend more on short videos, and24 25% of all marketers want to invest more in this kind of content.24 Additionally, 30% of those not using short videos yet are thinking about starting. This shows how important short videos are becoming.

22 Short videos on social media get more people to interact than still images. They also make websites more popular by keeping people around longer.22 Since short videos are cheap to make and lead to more sales, many marketers are turning to them more.

22 Content made by the users themselves, that everyone trusts, is doing well. People like seeing what other regular people think more than ads.24 Nearly 9 out of 10 companies say working with these user-creators works well. Over half of them plan to do more of it in 2024.24 These same companies think it helps make more people know about them and find it a good way to spend their advertising money.

23 Video platforms earn more from ads than from people paying to use them. This has made it easier for more people to get into making and sharing videos.23 People making these videos focus on characters and stories that touch everyone in a good way. This makes their videos get noticed more and shared more.

22 Videos that teach or answer questions help people understand and trust brands more. They also use clever technology to show you videos you’re more likely to enjoy.23

22 Online challenges get everyone involved and having fun.24 One out of five marketers has tried these challenges, and nearly half of them did better than they thought they would.22

22 Stories on social media that disappear after a while really get people’s attention.22 YouTube Shorts is great for putting out short videos that a lot of people could see.

23 The trend of short videos is only going up. This growth is good for both viewers and the people making the videos.24 Making short videos like this is said to be the best social media marketing tactic in 2024. It’s a big deal for everyone doing digital marketing.

Interactive Content and Experiences

Interactive content gets people involved. It helps in creating strong brand memories and better ties with customers.25 Companies now understand the value of fun online experiences25. They’re using interactive content in their online plans.25

Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences

AR makes brands part of our world in a new way. It combines virtual elements with real life in cool ways.26 Big names like Audi and Volvo are letting customers virtually try and personalize their products26. Through AR, businesses showcase their items, provide virtual try-ons, and offer fun activities that keep people hooked.25

Gamification in Marketing

Adding game features to marketing is gamification. It’s a way to make content fun and interactive.25 This approach has gained traction in learning and loyalty setups because it improves how we remember details25. It also affects how we act, boosting sales25. By including challenges and rewards, companies motivate users to interact more with the brand.25 This not only boosts engagement but gives insights into what customers like. This data helps in future marketing strategies27.

Social Media SEO

Social media content, like TikTok and Instagram Reels, is becoming more popular in search results.28 Brands can benefit by making their social media content search-friendly. They should use the right keywords, make attractive thumbnails, and use popular hashtags. This way, more people can find and visit their pages.28 Marketers need to keep up with the changes and always tweak their strategies in this fast-paced field.

Social Media Content Optimization

Today, social media is a big part of how people find and interact with brands. Because of this, getting social media content to show up in search results is key.28 Marketers can improve their content’s visibility by understanding what makes social media posts rank higher. This includes things like how much people engage with the content and if it meets what users are searching for.28

Social Media and Search Engines

28 Using social media to improve search engine results is a new area with a lot of potential. Short videos on platforms like TikTok and Instagram can show up in searches.28 But, there isn’t a lot of tools that mix SEO with social media well yet. So, being creative in how to measure the success of these efforts is important.28 By making targeted content and learning from what works, brands can do better on social media search results.28 Improvements in the tracking and analytics of social media companies will probably make things easier in the future.28

29 The latest global report shows that short videos are the most popular type among marketers and businesses.29 Programmatic SEO is being used by many teams to make SEO more efficient. This includes automating the creation and improvement of webpages.29

30 More than half of TikTok’s user time is spent watching videos that are at least a minute long.30 Almost 40% of Gen Z chooses TikTok over Google when looking for information.30


The digital marketing landscape keeps changing with new technologies, platforms, and shifts in consumer behavior. This transformation impacts how companies connect with their intended audiences.31 Technologies like AI-powered personalization and the metaverse are becoming significant. These changes enhance the importance of social media SEO and interactive content. Marketers need to be ready to use these new strategies effectively.32

To succeed in the digital world, companies should focus on using data well and creating various content types. Also, building strong relationships with customers is crucial.32 Being innovative and leading the way in your industry will help meet customers’ changing demands.33

Dealing with quick shifts in digital marketing trends means being ready and adaptable. Businesses that swiftly adjust to new tech, platforms, and consumer trends will succeed.31 By being open to new ideas and using data wisely, your brand will stay current and attract your target market. This approach can lead to growth and lasting success.32


What are some of the emerging digital marketing trends to look out for?

A: There are several new digital marketing trends to watch. This includes things like voice search and influencer marketing. Video marketing and chatbots are also becoming more important. Let’s not forget about personalized marketing and the use of augmented reality.

Brands are also focusing on creating social media stories and using content from their users. And, there’s a noticeable shift towards working with smaller, micro-influencers.

How can AI be leveraged in digital marketing?

AI is changing digital marketing in big ways. It helps with search engine optimization and creating personalized marketing campaigns. It’s also used for improving customer service with AI-powered chatbots.

What opportunities does the metaverse present for digital marketers?

The metaverse is opening up new chances for marketers. They can build unique 3D spaces and offer one-of-a-kind experiences. With the metaverse, they can collect more data to tailor their messages better.

Why is voice search optimization important for digital marketers?

Voice search is quickly becoming more popular. To reach these users, marketers need to optimize their content. They should focus on using natural language and the right kind of keywords. This will help them take advantage of the expected increase in voice-initiated purchases.

How are social commerce and influencer marketing evolving?

Social commerce is on the rise, bringing online shopping directly to social media platforms. At the same time, influencer marketing is changing. It’s now about making real connections with the audience through micro-influencers.

What are the key trends in programmatic advertising?

Programmatic advertising is all about automated buying of ads. It’s making ad targeting more accurate and efficient. AI helps in buying and optimizing these ads to reach the right consumers.

How can personalization and data-driven decision-making enhance digital marketing efforts?

Personalization through AI insights can make marketing messages more targeted. The use of data for decision-making helps marketers understand customers better. This leads to strategies that meet their needs more effectively.

What is the role of conversational marketing in digital marketing?

Conversational marketing uses chatbots and social messaging to talk with customers. This approach makes interactions more personal and efficient. It improves the overall experience and brings better results for businesses.

How can automated email marketing benefit digital marketers?

Automated email marketing allows for creating messages that resonate with customers. It leads to better engagement and loyalty. The insights from these emails can also help in improving future campaigns.

What metrics are important for measuring the success of influencer marketing campaigns?

To measure the success of influencer marketing, focus on engagement, how many new followers gained, conversions, and ROI. These metrics help understand the business value of working with influencers.

How can predictive analytics enhance digital marketing strategies?

Predictive analytics help marketers understand customer behavior and preferences. It assists in predicting trends and optimizing campaigns. This results in higher engagement, conversions, and better customer value over time.

What are the benefits of leveraging short-form video content in digital marketing?

Short videos on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels can boost brand awareness. They are great for driving traffic and creating a strong connection with your target audience. Storytelling is key in these videos.

How can interactive content and experiences, like augmented reality and gamification, benefit digital marketing efforts?

Interactive content, such as AR for brand interactions and game campaigns, can draw in customers. It makes for memorable brand experiences. Plus, it provides insights into what the audience likes and how they interact.

What is the importance of social media SEO in digital marketing?

Social media content appears in search results more often. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize social posts with the right keywords and hashtags. This helps businesses reach more people and draw them to their social media profiles.

Source Links

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